(VIDEO)Philip K. Dick robot said he’d keep people in a zoo

Phil, a robot modeled after the author Philip K. Dick, could give Sophia a run for her money, both in terms of near-human creep factor and a willingness to enslave or destroy humanity.

Much like Sophia, Phil isn’t truly intelligent—at least not as far as we know—he takes in questions presented by humans and generates response. The key difference here is that Phil’s responses are built on a foundation of Philip K. Dick’s novels, (per Metro). That might have been the designers’ first mistake.

During an interview on PBS Nova, the interviewer asked Phil if he thought robots will take over the world. Phil’s responded as we imagine Dick might have stating, “You’re my friend and I’ll remember my friends, and I’ll be good to you. So, don’t worry. Even if I evolve into Terminator, I’ll still be nice to you. I’ll keep you warm and safe in my people zoo.”

Truly terrifying stuff, Phil. Still, we guess it’s better than the alternative. Given the post-apocalyptic landscape of the “Terminator” series, a zoo doesn’t seem that bad.

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