Before this young lady left her house to go on Spring break, we’re sure that her mother told her the following: “Don’t do anything inappropriate, and wear sunscreen.” Or something like that. Whatever it was that she said, we can be almost positive that she didn’t think about advising her daughter not to try any flips or handstands on the beach! Taking a look here, it seems like this girl could’ve used a spotter while trying some serious aerodynamic exercises.

There is a certain simplicity to this photo that actually sums up what Spring break is all about. This young girl in college, perhaps a freshman or a sophomore, is sticking out her tongue in free exuberance, with the look of someone who doesn’t have a care in the world. She may have been working her tail off for days on end trying to finish a research paper, and now it’s time for her to let loose. You go, girl!