Celebrities Who Spent A Fortune Changing Their Looks

She was insecure about her looks and had a lot of grief for her plastic surgery decisions that have cost her a lot of money. She was so addicted to it that she even had ten procedures in one day.
On the other hand, many people believe that she still looks younger because of her extensive skincare and beauty regimen. It is rumored that her eyebrows alone cost around $900 per year.
Kourtney believes that surgery is an extreme first step, and that’s why she might even consider lasers as an alternative method if she decides to make any future changes to her face or body.
It took over $11,000 to give her the look that she has today. The procedures include buttock implants, skin bleaching, and a nose job.
As she grew older, she found it hard to remain in the public eye. Therefore, she decided to go for breast implants and facial tightening procedures in a quest to remain young. She certainly succeeded in doing it and now her boob jobs are one of the most standout things about her.

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