(VIDEO)9-Year-Old Girl Starts To Irish Dance At Wedding, But Her Little Brother’s Joy Steals The Show

Weddings are joyful times when the family and all their friends gather together to celebrate the happy couple and give them a stirring send-off. And there’s nothing more rousing than some traditional Irish folk music. For this wedding, a little girl has prepared an Irish dance to perform at the celebrations.

Everybody clears the dance floor for the child and she takes center stage with aplomb. As the band launches into some joyous music, the little girl confidently starts her dance and continue steadfastly to the end. The crowd support her all the way, clearly impressed with her dancing skills.

It is a complex routine, quite long and full of challenging footwork, yet despite only being 9 years old, the little girl attacks it with total commitment and doesn’t falter once.

All the relatives and wedding guests are clapping along in time to the music and encouraging the lass. Visible just behind the girl at the edge of the dance floor is a little boy, jigging along in time to the music. He is clearly trying to copy the girl’s moves and makes more than a fair job of it!

Before long, the little fellow can’t hold back any longer, carried away with the music and the joyful mood of the audience he leaps onto the dance floor and tries to dance with the little girl.

Ever the professional, the dancing lass continues unfazed, despite the small boy stealing some of her thunder and getting in the way. To add to the fun, a grand-motherly figure can also contain herself no longer and jigs onto the dance floor, gaily clapping and stepping in time to the music.

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