If You Spot A Rubber Band On Your Front Door Handle, Here’s What You NEED To Know…

If You Spot A Rubber Band On Your Front Door Handle, Here’s What You NEED To Know…

A Texas woman took to Facebook to warn everyone about something that criminals are doing in neighborhoods across America. If you find a rubber band on your doorknob, you just might be a target for a burglary!

Kim Cernigliaro’s Facebook post has garnered 200,000 shares!

Here is her message in it’s entirety:

Warning!!! Two weeks ago during the day, a hard knock was at my front door, not a regular knock but almost pounding, (I honestly thought something may have happened to someone and they needed help) but something didn’t feel right….and I DO NOT answer the door when I am here by myself. So don’t bother!

After several knocks, they finally left. I glanced and could see it was a man through the stained glass of my door.

After about 30 minutes I walked outside to look for what I thought would be a brochure, but instead found a rubber band around my knob to hold the door to open when I unlocked the latch.

I called [my husband] and he told me to get the gun out and leave it out.

The Sheriff came by yesterday and said this is happening all of a sudden, as soon as you unlatch the door, they do not wait for you to turn the knob, they can bust in on you.

Anyway just be careful, I USE to be such a trusting person, but not at all anymore! So let me just say, I have a G@N and I know how to use it, just FYI, I out shot my husband the last time we target practiced, so believe me, I will use it. I have too much to live for! Do NOT ANSWER doors without knowing for sure you know who is on the other side! Those days are over!!!!


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