A blonde pilot

A young blonde pilot is in her first flying lesson in a two-seater plane.

Her instructor all of a sudden get a heart attack and dies.

“May day! May day! Help me! Help me! My

instructor pilot is dead and I don’t know how to fly!”

She hears a voice over the radio saying, “This

is Air Traffic control. We can hear you loud

and clear. I will talk you through this and get

you back on the ground safely. I’ve had a lot

of experiences with this kind of problem.

Now just take a deep breath. Everything will

be fine! Give me your height and position.”

The blonde replies, “I’m 5’7 and in the front seat.”

(After a long pause)

“O.K.” says the the voice in the radio…..”Now repeat after me…..Our Father Who art in heaven….”

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