World’s oldest person who lived until 117 shared one thing she ate everyday that helped her live so long

Living past 100 is a feat that only a few achieve, and reaching 117 puts you in a league of your own. Maria Branyas Morera, who was once recognized as the world’s oldest living person, passed away at the age of 117 years and 168 days. Her longevity not only piqued global interest, but she also shared what she believed contributed to her exceptional life span. Among the numerous lifestyle factors, one particular food item stood out in her daily routine: yogurt.1

Maria’s Life: 117 Years of Experience and Resilience

Maria Branyas Morera was born in the United States but spent much of her life in Spain. Her longevity made her a living witness to some of the most significant events in modern history, including both World Wars, the Spanish Civil War, the Spanish Flu pandemic, and the COVID-19 pandemic. She was a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother who outlived her eldest son, August, who passed away at the age of 86.

A Myriad of Factors

There are a number of factors behind her long life.
Credit: X

While many may speculate on the secret to such a long life, Maria herself attributed it to a combination of factors. In 2022, she shared her thoughts on social media, stating, “I think longevity is also about being lucky. Luck and good genetics”.

But luck wasn’t the only factor. Maria believed that her diet, emotional well-being, and connections with loved ones played crucial roles. She emphasized the importance of good nutrition, contact with nature, emotional stability, and staying away from toxic people.

The Power of Yogurt

Yogurt might be the answer to living a long life.
Credit: X

Of all the foods in her diet, yogurt held a special place. In an era where people search for superfoods and miracle diets, Maria reminded us of the benefits of a humble staple: yogurt. She credited this “lifelong food” for its positive effects on the body and its potential for prolonging life. According to Maria, yogurt had been her “heavenly manna” for 20 years, describing it as a natural, tasty, and creamy food that embodied dignity, self-esteem, and confidence.

Maria’s love for yogurt wasn’t just about personal preference. She referenced a Bulgarian study that suggested regular yogurt consumption could extend life, and she even connected it to the Persian tradition, where it was said that Abraham’s longevity was due to his regular consumption of yogurt.


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