(VIDEO)Poor Man Gets Chased By A Baby Horse. But What The Horse Did Next? I Can’t Stop Laughing!

Horses are one of the most beautiful things in the world. We have had a strong bond with these majestic creatures for ages now. So it is not really a surprise when you see them hang out with their human friends. The video below features an adorable filly who is going to make you smile with her funny antics. Wait till you see what she does.

Her owners say that she loves to get scratched on her back. Since she cannot do it herself, she runs around asking help from her human pals. If they try to walk away, the stubborn filly chases them down. Take for example the man featured alongside her in this clip. She loves getting a scratch from him, but when he turns his back on her, she doesn’t hold back and gives him a kick in the pants.

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