IQ Test: Only 5 in 100 people with a high IQ can solve this math puzzle in 8 seconds!

IQ Test: Only 5 in 100 people can solve this math puzzle in 8 seconds. Are you one of them? Test your problem-solving skills now!

Brain teaser puzzles test the reader’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills by challenging them to solve a problem. These challenges have the potential to boost intelligence and improve concentration.

A brain teaser challenge mostly involves solving a puzzle, cracking a code, finding a hidden object or mistake, or detecting the fault in the image.

Regular practice of such challenges helps enhance problem-solving skills and also provides a healthy workout for the brain.

Do you have a high IQ?

Let’s find out!

IQ Test – Solve Math Puzzle in 8 Seconds

In the image shared above, a math puzzle consisting of marine animals is presented before the readers.

The challenge for the readers is to solve the math puzzle by finding the value of the final step within 8 seconds.

This math puzzle will test your analytical and logical thinking skills.

Your time starts now!

Look at the image and study the pattern carefully.

Have you found the value of the final puzzle?

Hurry up; time is running out.

There are only a few seconds remaining.


The time limit is over now!

Have you successfully solved the math puzzle?

Congratulations to those readers who were able to solve the math puzzle within the time limit.

You people have a high IQ.

Those who couldn’t find the value of the final step of the math puzzle need to practice such challenges regularly.

Now check out the solution provided below.

Solve the Math Puzzle: Solution

In the picture, we see that

Three Crabs = 9

Or Crab = 3

Now in the third step, there is a crab.

2 Fish + Crab = 7

2 Fish = 7 – 3

Fish = 2

Putting the value of fish in the second step, we get the value of sea horse

Fish + 2 Sea Horse = 4

2 Sea Horse = 4 – 2

Sea Horse = 1

Now the final step can be calculated as

Fish + Sea Horse + Crab

2 + 1 + 3 = 6

If you loved solving this brain teaser, share it with your friends and family and see who performs the best.

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