Impossibly fast, the new “Lord of the Dance”

Matt Smith opens Lord of the Dance with a performance of “Cry of the Celts” that leaves the audience floored.

“Lord of the Dance” and Michael Flatley go hand in hand. Stepping into such big shoes is no small feat, but, fortunately, the incredibly talented and handsome Matt Smith is up for the challenge.

Performing the opening number, “Cry of the Celts”, Matt fulfills a childhood dream of playing the lead man in the wildly successful hit stage show created by famed Irish dancer Michael Flatley.

We first see the “Little Spirit” happily awakening the troupe of female dancers, robed in white. The music is jaunty and the atmosphere is light as the dancers prance spritely.

Before long, the tone changes and the stage falls dark. As things seem bleakest, the drums fill the theatre and the “Lord of the Dance,” Matt Smith gallops onto the stage in an explosion of style and grace.

Bringing energy and light, Matt commands the stage like a pro. His swinging legs and impossibly fast feet tap away any residual darkness until all that’s left is the stirring Irish music. It’s truly an amazing feat of Riverdancing never seen before.

The stage then fills with other Irish dancers, all tapping to the music, creating an incredible sight and sound. It’s remarkable that this electric performance was achieved with only 3 days of practice. You’d never guess though. Watch and see what I mean:

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