Jaw-Dropping And Perfectly Timed Sports Photos

Competitive sports and the athletes that compete in them have always impressed the masses with their displays of skill and grit. People are always present to film these games while others decide to use incredibly high-power cameras. And it’s a good thing that they do. From wardrobe malfunctions to near-misses with extreme danger, to even funny freeze-frames, these are a series of sports photos that are perfectly timed. And they look absolutely incredible.

Accepting One’s Fate

Bullfighting is no joke, and it’s incredibly dangerous. Given their great strength and how volatile a bull can be, you have to be particularly agile to even go into the same room as one. Which is what makes this image of a man jumping straight at a bull’s front all the more interesting.

Having Fun With The Mascot

Not every team has a mascot, but those that do often do the best that they can to have fun and invigorate the crowd. Like this bear mascot here, running away with this young woman as her friend watches.

No Longer Riding The Bull

On the subject of bulls, bull riding can be an equally as dangerous endeavor. It’s hard enough to stay on a mechanical bull, so staying on a real one is both more difficult and more dangerous. Just ask this guy that fell headfirst off of one.

Fan Of The Sport

Alright, this one may be cheating a little, since it’s technically two photos, but you do sort of need to look at both to get the full picture. It just seemed as though this fan was a little bit overzealous and ran onto this soccer field. And of course she got immediately carted away. But the real distracting thing is her choice in wardrobe.

Doused In Gatorade


The traditional dousing of one’s coach in Gatorade is a fun spectacle after a Super Bowl. However, it’s very rare to get a photo of the coach mid-dousing. It looks like they’re swimming in it.

It’s Definitely Broken

They say to keep your eye on the ball. Well, ordinarily that’s to make sure it doesn’t hit you in the face. With how hard a baseball can be thrown or hit, this player’s nose was certainly broken after the ball hit him squarely in the face.

Ride That Wave

Surfing’s a fun pass time to do on the beach. But have you ever seen someone surf with a dirt bike? Robbie Maddison is a stuntman and skilled rider using a specialized dirt bike to churn the water underneath his wheels. Even with the right equipment, not a lot of people could probably pull this off.


Don’t worry, this freeze frame didn’t lead to any contact. As a matter of fact, Kobe Bryant’s unflinching visage makes the photo even more impressive. Matt Barnes tried to psyche him out, but Bryant just didn’t budge.

Cracking The Skull


Trained fighters are able to hit hard in important parts of the body. And when those trained fighters land a blow, you can see it ripple out from the point of contact. Literally. It looks like the face of the skull on this fighter’s back has had its cheek caved in.


Surface tension is an interesting thing. You don’t exactly just phase through the water the way people think. And this image of Tyler Clary breaking through the water makes it look more like a gel than a true liquid.

Misbehaving Ponytail

Tennis is a surprisingly intense sport. A single mistake or a second of hesitation can spell defeat. So, this woman’s ponytail going into her face and covering her eyes is certainly not good for her.

Crashing In The Sand

Did she trip? Did she fall after jumping really high? Falling during a game of beach volleyball isn’t that strange, but that much sand getting kicked up is what’s really interesting.

Not Even A Foul Ball


This man wanted a souvenir ball too bad. This Cub fan was willing to drop his kid and interfere in the game. It wasn’t even a foul ball, nor was the ball in the stands. And you can see that he just barely caught it over the player. No glove even. Maybe he should be in the major leagues with an arm like that.

Four Arms


It’s just your eyes playing tricks on you. This soccer player doesn’t actually have four arms (not that they would help that much in this sport). It’s just two players holding out their arms to the side, but the photographer really got this image taken at the perfect time.

High Dive

Olympic diving is a bit more difficult than one might expect. You just do a ton of acrobatic maneuvers in the few seconds you have before you hit the water. And you’ve got to stick the landing. Just look at this man’s face, he’s absolutely feeling the pressure.

Like Looking In A Mirror


Wakeboarding and other water activities can be dangerous, but also fun if you know how to do them properly. Here we’re either witnessing absolute skill or a happy accident. If the former, he must really like looking at himself in the mirror.

The Headless Gymnast

Do not be alarmed, they aren’t actually missing a head. Doing this maneuver just made them tilt their head back enough it wasn’t visible in this shot. However, that still speaks volumes for how flexible this person is.

Balancing Act



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