Look Closer… Vintage Photos That Were Never Edited

Few things are as satisfying as a trip down memory lane — and it’s even better when you find something you didn’t notice before. Because as Ferris Bueller said — life moves pretty fast. Here are dozens of pictures of celebrities and remarkable people of yesteryear in all their beautiful, vintage glory. The glamour, the fashions, the hair — whether classically elegant, effortlessly cool, or interestingly tacky, we shall not see their like again. Here’s to the movie stars who were larger than life, here’s to the rock stars who lived on the edge, here’s to the comedians who still make us smile, here’s to the bit players who had those moments of glory that changed their lives forever. It’s all good, it’s all groovy, and the rest is history.

Burt Reynolds and Farrah Fawcett during filming of the 1981 comedy “The Cannonball Run.”

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The 1981 road-racing comedy The Cannonball Run was packed with star power: Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Adrienne Barbeau, Mel Tillis, Terry Bradshaw, Dom DeLuise, Jackie Chan and 007 himself, Roger Moore. But you could have left all of them on the side of the road and powered to box office success with this supernaturally attractive pair of human beings: Burt Reynolds and Farrah Fawcett. He was the greatest heartthrob of the late ’70s; she had the decade’s hottest poster, and was the hottest lady detective on Charlie’s Angels, a show that was completely about conspicuously hot lady detectives. The chemistry in the movie (and this photo) wasn’t fake — Fawcett and Reynolds were romantically involved for a time.

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia! You’re gonna lose! Lose! Lose! A miffed Maureen McCormick on The Brady Bunch, 1972.

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Here’s Maureen McCormick as Marcia Brady at the height of her miniskirt-enabled powers. Though she may have been every teenage boy’s crush in 1972, on this particular episode of The Brady Bunch, “Greg’s Triangle,” she doesn’t come out on top. See, her adopted brother Greg is to cast the deciding vote in the selection of head cheerleader (wait, why does Greg get to vote on– oh, never mind), and he’s torn between his sis and his girlfriend-du-episode, Jennifer. In the end, Greg does the somewhat-right thing and chooses neither of them, instead giving the top job to Pat, who is played by Rita Wilson in her first TV role. Jennifer, predictably, dumps Greg after the vote, but in a surprise twist, the normally self-centered Marcia praises her brother for his decision.


Sean Connery doing a handstand for Ursula Andress on the set of “Dr No.” 

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Suck it, Trebek! Sean Connery, the manliest Scotsman of ’60s cinema, just had to show off for piping-hot Swiss miss Ursula Andress on set, didn’t he? Dr. No (1962) was the first James Bond movie, and Honey Ryder (Andress), who unforgettably emerged from the ocean in the white bikini pictured here, is considered the first cinematic Bond Girl. Andress’ character as written by Ian Fleming in the novel was slightly different — in the book, her name is Honeychile Rider, and she wasn’t wearing a bikini (or even a one-piece) when she met agent 007. In another tweak to make the movie watchable, all of Andress’ dialogue was dubbed by voiceover specialist Nikki van der Zyl. Ursula may have been easy on the eyes, but her harsh Swiss accent was murder on the ears.

“Jungle Pam” Hardy, one of drag racing’s main attractions in the ’70s.

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Jim Liberman was a drag racer who went by the nickname of “Jungle Jim.” He won a lot of races in the 1970s. Fans loved him for his flamboyant personality and masterful driving. But this is not a picture of Jungle Jim — this is “Jungle Pam” Hardy, Jim’s sidekick, who commanded attention at the track with her tight, skimpy outfits. She had a job to do, as Jim’s “backup girl,” she helped guide him as he drove his Chevy Vega backward on the track after a burnout. Pam joined Jim’s team in 1973, and in 1977 Jim died on an off-track car accident. Though she only did the job for four years, Jungle Pam remains the most iconic backup girl in drag racing history.

“Jungle Pam” Hardy, sweetheart of the dragstrip

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When “Jungle Jim” Lieberman, drag racing’s top showman, spotted young Pam Hardy in West Chester, Pennsylvania, he knew he had to find a place for her on his team. It was 1972, Pam was just about to graduate from high school, and she knew nothing about the sport of drag racing. Liberman didn’t care; he and his crew could show her the ropes — Liberman saw a star quality in her figure, spirit and beaming smile, and those are things you can’t teach. Much to the delight of race fans, “Jungle Pam” was soon a regular presence on the track, helping Liberman’s team care for his Chevy funny car. Clad in tight tops and cutoff jean shorts (today known as “Daisy Dukes”), she was just the eye-catching asset Jungle Jim had wanted, cementing his reputation as the most entertaining racer in the sport.

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