(VIDEO)Enormous ‘direwolf’ dog is taking the internet by storm

It all began when someone acquired a wolfdog pup but at around eight months old, decided that the pup was more wolf than a dog and hence too much to handle. They left the poor pup at a shelter in Naples, Florida, and that’s when Shywolf Sanctuary stepped in.

“We rescued him from a failed house pet situation. Someone purchased him from a breeder and realized he was too much to handle,” said sanctuary volunteer Brittany Allen in an interview with Bored Panda. “They dumped him at a kill shelter at 8 months old. We stepped in and provided a home for him and he has been with us ever since.”

Over time, the volunteers noticed that he grew much larger than a regular dog, so they decided to get him DNA tested and found out that he was 87.5% Gray Wolf, 8.6% Siberian Husky, and 3.9% German Shepherd.

Yuki became a viral sensation only recently when his handler Brit Allen posed in some pictures with him and posted them on social media. People were obviously stunned at the size of Yuki and the reactions were quite varied.

“Why does he look much more terrifying than a full-blooded wolf?” one Instagram user asked while another user joked, “Run while you still have a chance.” Most of the commenters simply remarked on how beautiful and majestic he looked.

While most people expressed awe at the pictures of Yuki, some expressed skepticism at his size, claiming that the pictures were photoshopped to make him look bigger.

Allen says that they were not photoshopped but agrees that some of the photos might be misleading due to the angle. Whatever the case may be, Yuki is loving life and ignoring the haters.

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