Look Closer… Vintage Photos That Were Never Edited

Few things are as satisfying as a trip down memory lane — and it’s even better when you find something you didn’t notice before. Because as Ferris Bueller said — life moves pretty fast. Here are dozens of pictures of celebrities and remarkable people of yesteryear in all their beautiful, vintage glory. The glamour, the fashions, the hair — whether classically elegant, effortlessly cool, or interestingly tacky, we shall not see their like again. Here’s to the movie stars who were larger than life, here’s to the rock stars who lived on the edge, here’s to the comedians who still make us smile, here’s to the bit players who had those moments of glory that changed their lives forever. It’s all good, it’s all groovy, and the rest is history.

During the 1960’s and 1970’s nearly every young man on a college campus was growing some sort of facial hair. Let’s face it, they were away from home and the influence of their parents. It was equivalent to a young person taking control of their own lives. Facial hair had previously been associated with, “beatniks.” Beatniks were people who rejected conventional behavior, or more commonly known as, hippies…. what could be worse than that?

Mustaches and sideburns are, to a man, much like make-up is to a woman. Facial hair can range from the very subtle to the very extreme. Of course, it probably goes without saying that plenty of celebrities also made their own personal statement with the facial hair statement.

Mustaches have been called everything from handlebars to gunslingers to Fu Manchus. Sideburns have been called everything from skinny to mutton chops. Women are generally considered more appearance conscientious than men. Don’t be fooled, though, because men are also concerned with appearances.

Below you will see some recognizable icons who exerted their individuality with facial hair. They range from actors and musicians to athletes.

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