The latest social media craze revolves around a vehicle registration plate.

One teacher was mistaken for his profession, because of one silly thing.

As he tells the story :

I pull up to a red light and I’m waiting for the light to change.

I’m usually sitting there zoned out listening to some music going, or sports talk radio. Then, out of the corner of my eye I realize the person in the car next to me is trying to get my attention. And they’ve rolled down their window and they are trying to speak to me from their car.

As I lean over and roll down my passenger side window all kinds of things are going through my head. I’m like “What is going on here?” I usually hear something like this:

“My son was just diagnosed with ADHD. He’s in the third grade. My doctor says this and that about the medicine… And I’m wondering what you recommend?”

Then it hits me…. And realize it’s because of this:

My license plate. It’s the wonderful vanity license plate my wife gave me for my birthday a while back. I then have to explain to this poor person that I’m a PHD with ADHD, not an actual doctor who deals in ADHD or can actually help them in any way.


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