Note: we are republishing this story which originally made the news in April 2023. In a bold display of self-confidence, Academy Award-winning actress Halle Berry took to Instagram to share a glimpse into her unapologetic lifestyle. Berry, known for doing things her way, recently treated her followers to a carefree snapshot of her Saturday afternoon. The actress, perched on her Malibu balcony, raised eyebrows as she enjoyed a glass of wine in the nude, strategically concealing herself with a well-placed arm and cleverly positioned surroundings.
The artful photo captured Berry’s relaxed mood in the California sun, her dark, shoulder-length hair styled in loose waves with blunt bangs, and a minimalist approach to makeup. Her caption, “I do what I wanna do. Happy Saturday,” encapsulated the actress’s free-spirited attitude. While Berry has always been a fan of bikini pics, her recent posts have taken a more daring turn. Last month, she shared two steamy mirror selfies, offering a glimpse into her post-shower or bath routine. Smiling confidently, arms crossed over her chest, adorned with stacks of silver rings, Berry celebrated “hump day self-love” in the accompanying caption.
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